
Isabella Kam ’24 picks up ice cream from Sisters of Anarchy, which makes ice cream from ingredients from their farm in Vermont. It was available to all graduating seniors as part of Senior Week and was sponsored by The Dartmouth Fund. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)

Director of Campus Planning Joanna Whitcomb and Executive Director of Conferences and Events EJ Kiefer test a sign placement on the corner of North Main and Wentworth streets as part of Dartmouth’s wayfinding initiative. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)

Students finished the Sophomore Trips program on June 17 with a night at Moosilauke Ravine Lodge. (Photo by Chris Johnson)

A group of students visit Bartlett Tower, the stone structure on Observatory Hill honoring Dartmouth’s eighth president, Samuel Colcord Bartlett, Class of 1836. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Helena Argudo and Nikolaos Vichos ’24 descend the spiral stairs of Bartlett Tower. (Photo by Robert Gill)

An aerial shot of Dartmouth’s campus in summer, including Fayerweather Hall, which is soon to be remodeled. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Draft horses Jake and Rudy nuzzle while waiting for students to board their cart on Mass Row. Phil and Janet Warren of the Warren Farm, in Alstead, N.H., were offering free cart rides to all seniors who donated to their class fund. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)

Oliver Bub ’20, left, and William Bender ’24 row on the Connecticut River in Hanover on Wednesday as they prepare to compete on the U.S. men’s team in the 2024 Paris Olympics. Molly Reckford ’15 has been named to the women’s team. (Photo by Justin Lafleur)

Luisa Lindsley leads a mindfulness walk through the forest in the BEMA. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Individuals participate in a relaxing session of yoga. (Photo by Robert Gill)

Spring is in full swing on campus, with still rivers and lush pines. (Photo by Katie Lenhart)