For You: Faculty

Dartmouth educates and prepares students for a lifetime of learning and responsible leadership through a faculty dedicated to teaching and the creation of knowledge.

BannerCanvasFor You: StaffAcademic CalendarArts and Sciences FacultyReserve a Classroom on CampusEmailIntegrity and Compliance
Scientists holding a slide of cells
Office of the Vice Provost for Research

Protecting the research interests of students and faculty through the oversight of compliance with all relevant local, state and federal regulations.

The front of Baker library
Dartmouth Library

In collaboration with faculty, the library provides learning experiences by engaging in all aspects of the educational continuum.

fall trees and Baker tower

We efficiently deliver high-quality services and information, when and where they are needed, to enable the dynamic aspirations of Dartmouth’s faculty.

Media Training

Whether you’re preparing for a press interview, addressing difficult public questions, establishing relationships with reporters and editors, or crafting and pitching an op-ed, our media relations team can help.

Human Resources

The Office of Human Resources at Dartmouth College provides assistance and resources to our faculty, staff, retirees, and prospective employees.

Mental Health and Wellness

Some tools and resources offered to faculty to navigate life’s challenges.

Faculty News

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In the News

Test-Optional Admissions Hurt Poor Kids

A working paper from professors Bruce Sacerdote ’90, Douglas Staiger, and Michele Tine finds that making SATs optional harms high-achieving college applicants from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Resources by School

Manages educational policies, programs of instruction, and all matters relating to the effectiveness, development, and well-being of its faculty.

Dean of the Faculty of Arts and SciencesAcademic CalendarFaculty HandbookDartHubAdvising

Teacher-scholars on the leading edge of theory and practice.

Tuck Faculty DirectoryTuckConnect

Dartmouth engineering faculty are both experts in their field and generalists in the classroom, able to teach a systems approach to engineering problem solving with wide-ranging applications.

Thayer Faculty DirectoryThayerExpress

The Geisel faculty dedicate themselves to the training of compassionate clinicians who possess outstanding clinical skills, a deep understanding of the scientific basis of health and disease, and proficiency in delivering care within complex social and economic environments.

Geisel Faculty DirectoryGeisel Faculty Affairs

Our faculty lead small, intense, research teams and our students enjoy unparalleled access to leaders in their fields—across all of our departments and professional schools.

Guarini Faculty Resources

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